1. What is ACH?
ACH stands for Anybody Can Help. We are a team of like-minded individuals who are currently undertaking voluntary works with a clear objective of being service to the society.

2. When and how did Anybody Can Help (ACH) begin?
In April 2015, with the aftermath of earthquakes in Nepal, while thinking how as individuals we could help their beleaguered people, we got introduced to each other through social media platforms and jointly mobilised relief material which was then dispatched to Nepal.

3. The idea behind the name Anybody Can Help (ACH)?
If we as ordinary individuals can help and make some difference to the society then anybody can. Thus we named ourselves as Anybody Can Help.

4. What is the entity status of Anybody Can Help (ACH)?
We are a registered unaided independent voluntary organization.

5. What are the objectives of Anybody Can Help (ACH)?
To motivate the privileged section of society to come forward and help the unprivileged ones. Thereby being the difference.

6. How is Anybody Can Help (ACH) different from the conventional NGOs.?
We directly connect donors to the receiver thereby maintaining complete transparency.

7. What causes are taken up at Anybody Can Help (ACH)?
Any causes prevalent to the times or need of the hour.

8. Who can join Anybody Can Help (ACH)?
Anybody who is willing to devote time, efforts or money in any individual capacity are welcome to join us in our projects with no pre conditions.